Thursday, August 4, 2011

Project: Dryer Balls for Tom's Mom

    I started this project the other night.  I'm following the instructions from one of the many online tutorials there are for these things. I liked this one in particular the best. They had the cutest product.  
    Since my amazon ordered wool yarn did not turn out to be all that much, I started using acrylic yarn that I had on hand to make a center to wrap the wool yarn around.  I currently do not know if this will affect my outcome, but fingers crossed.  I have not continued working on the project because I wanted to take pictures of the centers first, but I currently do not know where my camera is.
    Still haven't found my camera, but I was too lazy to take pictures anyways.  I wrapped the yarn balls with the wool yarn and them covered them in the wool roving.  I then put them in a stocking, tying off each segment, and put them in a hot wash and then the dryer.  They needed a second going, but overall turned out OK.  I had to try to salvage one of them...but I think i succeeded.

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