Sunday, July 31, 2011

Why am I doing this?

    So...I decided to start this new blog to help me get things done. I have all of these thoughts on projects, crafts, books to read, things to do, places to go...but instead of doing any of these things...I just sit around on the computer all day. I've decided to tackle my ideas one at a time on this book; starting with finishing the latest book I had started. And maybe even the idea of starting this blog got things going, because I finished it today.  Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World was really interesting.  I enjoyed learning how wrong my ideas about Genghis Khan were; he wasn't just some blood thirsty raping machine.  He was the first ruler to be tolerant of all religions, as long as people's first loyalties were towards the state. While Genghis is not be hero now, like he is for my boyfriend, people should definitely know that most of the information out there about the Mongol Empire is propaganda.

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